• Welcome to Global Rare Metal Trader
  • (+60) 164482195
  • info@globalraremetaltrader.com

Innovative Investment Boutique
For Smart Solutions.

Global Rare Metal Trader gives master exhortation to organizations and corporates to assist them with assessing and deal with the monetary and cultural effect of their choices and approaches.

We will assist with improving
your business

Our central goal is to make a superior world for business people by urging corporates and organizations to embrace better administrative arrangements and the executives rehearses.


Smart Solutions For Your Business

GRMT give particular aptitude in quantitative administration and monetary counseling, in vital financial due industriousness examination, and in forecasting.​

GRMT give particular skill in quantitative administration and monetary counseling, in key financial due constancy examination, and in forecasting.​

GRMT give free examination and counsel on how financial issues influence corporate and business division ventures, and on improving monetary proficiency and productivity.​

GRMT offer these administrations to present and potential new customers universally.


We accept that before whatever else, readiness is the way to progress.

The real factors and figures that discussion to our size and decent variety and long periods of history, as eminent and significant as they might be, are optional to the most genuine proportion of GLOBAL RARE METAL TRADER: the effect we make on the planet.

In this way, when individuals ask, "what's diverse about Global Rare Metal Traders ?" the appropriate response lives in the numerous particular instances of where we have helped Global Rare Metal Trader part firm customers, our kin, and segments of society to accomplish surprising objectives, tackle complex issues or gain important ground. More profound still, it's in the convictions, practices and major feeling of direction that support all that we do.

With more than 25 years of difficult work and duty to having a genuine effect, our association has developed in scale and decent variety—around 230 individuals in 5 nations and regions, giving lawful, money related warning, hazard warning, and counseling administrations—yet our mutual culture continues as before.

For us, great isn't adequate. We mean to be the best at all that we do—to assist customers with understanding their aspirations; to have a beneficial outcome in the public arena; and to expand the achievement of our kin. This drive fills the dedication and mankind that run profound through all our activities.

That is the thing that makes us genuinely extraordinary at Global Rare Metal Trader. Not how large we are, the place we are, nor what administrations we offer. What truly characterizes us is our drive to have an effect that issues on the planet.

As a boutique venture and counseling firm we have a broad system and solid associations with private value speculation sources and private speculators to tie down appealing wellsprings of financing to meet your particular needs and circumstance.

Organizing obligation or value financing can be a basic vital choice that influences an organization's drawn out progress. Choosing the privilege money related accomplice is a key to the development pathway your organization will take. Also, not all cash is acceptable cash with regards to amplifying investor worth and friends development activities.

Regardless of whether obligation, value, or a blend is the objective, drawing in venture cash relies upon giving a sound business opportunity, including a very much created field-tested strategy, solid development technique, advertise reasonability, experienced supervisory group, solid financial specialist upside, and coordinating speculator hazard and prize prerequisites.

There are Trillions of dollars held by value reserves, establishments, family workplaces and enterprises, both in the European and Malaysia, searching for the following "right" venture. Nonetheless, one out of a hundred activities will be financed by most of speculators and banks, and some state the proportion is a lot higher. Financial specialists rush to excuse a task on the off chance that it isn't arranged well or doesn't quickly seem to meet their measures.

We work with you to set up your subsidizing procedure to meet the particular needs of the organization, regardless of whether it be an advance, securing fund, value, or a mix. We assist you with distinguishing inborn worth drivers, relieve the dangers, and set up the incentive to pull in and meet financial specialist desires and answer the intense speculator questions. We at that point effectively deal with the financing procedure.


Regardless of whether obligation, value, or a mix is the objective, pulling in speculation cash relies upon giving a sound business opportunity, including an all around created field-tested strategy, solid development procedure, advertise reasonability, experienced supervisory group, solid financial specialist upside, and coordinating speculator hazard and prize prerequisites.

There are Trillions of dollars held by value reserves, establishments, family workplaces and organizations, both in the Europe , Malaysia and Abroad, searching for the following "right" speculation. In any case, one out of a hundred ventures will be financed by most of financial specialists and loan specialists, and some state the proportion is a lot higher. Speculators rush to excuse a venture in the event that it isn't arranged well or doesn't promptly seem to meet their models.

We work with you to set up your subsidizing methodology to meet the particular needs of the organization, regardless of whether it be an advance, securing fund, value, or a mix. We assist you with distinguishing inherent worth drivers, alleviate the dangers, and set up the offer to pull in and meet speculator desires and answer the intense financial specialist questions. We at that point effectively deal with the financing procedure.